The things that make me squeam
Some synonyms for “squeamish” may surprise you: scrupulous, principled, honorable, upright. These come to me as a pleasant surprise since I am known for my squeamishness and ashamed of it. But I cannot claim the high-mindedness those words suggest. The synonyms for my kind of squeamish run along the lines of paranoid, phobic, selfish, suspicious, and, at best, commonsensical. Among the things that make my skin crawl: warm subway poles, warm telephone receivers, warm toilet seats, warm drinking water, drinking water with ice, iPhones with smeared or cracked screens, a human sharing a tub of cottage cheese with a cat, a human sharing food from a plate with another human, leftovers of any kind but particularly Chinese takeout. And then there are the things that make everybody recoil but induce a more severe, phobic response in me: lice, ticks, mosquitoes, bedbugs, the odor of mildew. Paradoxically, I’m comfortable changing soiled diapers on the young or old, but dog shit on my ...